
Thriving After Breast Cancer®

[in specific time frame]

The ultimate survivorship program that combines the latest research in conventional, integrative, and lifestyle medicine to empower you with the tools and knowledge to reduce your risk of recurrence, manage the side effects of treatment, and improve your health and well-being.

Before I Tell You All About This One of A Kind Program, Let's Talk About Who This Is Really For...

You have been treated for breast cancer and fear a recurrence.Ā  You want to know specific things you can do that may reduce your risk. You have side effects from treatment and just want to feel better, both physically and emotionally. You want to be proactive with your health andĀ shift from only treating disease to focusing on your wellness.

Whether You Are...

ā˛˛Wondering what you can doĀ to help reduce the risk of a recurrence.

ā˛˛ Still recovering from treatments or have ongoingĀ side effects and just want to feel better.

ā˛˛ Overwhelmed by doing your own researchĀ online and you are not sure who or what to believe.

ā˛˛ Frustrated that no one is addressing your whole health. You are not your disease.

You are in the right place and I am going to tell you exactly how Thriving After Breast Cancer® will give you the education, guidance, and a personalized action plan to reclaim your health.

By the end of this 9-week program,

you will have…


  • Confidence That You Understand The Factors That Influence A Breast Cancer Recurrence

    You will learn evidence-based strategies for specific things you can do that may prevent a recurrence. Being proactive will help you shift from feeling fearful to empowered.

  • The Tools to Implement Lifestyle Changes

    You may know what to do but struggle with consistency or fitting healthy behaviors into your busy life. Learn how to make changes that support your overall health including nutrition, exercise, stress management, and sleep.
  • A Plan To Address Side Effects From Treatments

    Whether you recently finished treatments or have long-term side effects, you will learn evidence-based approaches to heal and feel your best. Your quality of life is important!
  • Information About Vitamins and Supplements

    You will learn about specific supplements that have been studied to reduce symptoms in breast cancer survivors and also those that may be harmful or interact with breast cancer treatments.
  • Goals and What to Track To Achieve Better Health

    You will learn about the labs and metrics that can influence your risk of recurrence and have actionable steps to improve them.
  • A Holistic Approach To Your Health

    You are not your disease. Your health is impacted by your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. You deserve holistic survivorship care which involves healing and treating the whole person.
  • Knowledge About Other Medical Conditions That Breast Cancer Survivors Are At Risk For

    It is important for you to know which tests you should be asking for throughout your survivorship to monitor for long-term complications of your treatments. You will feel more prepared to advocate for yourself with your visits with your healthcare providers. 

By the end of this 9-week program,

you will have…


  • Confidence That You Understand The Factors That Influence A Breast Cancer Recurrence

    You will learn evidence-based strategies for specific things you can do that may prevent a recurrence. Being proactive will help you shift from feeling fearful to empowered.

  • The Tools to Implement Lifestyle Changes

    You may know what to do but struggle with consistency or fitting healthy behaviors into your busy life. You will have tools to help you take action and make progress.
  • A Plan To Address Side Effects From Treatments

    Whether you recently finished treatments or have long-term side effects, you will learn how to heal and feel your best. Your quality of life is important!
  • Information About Vitamins and Supplements

    You will learn more about specific supplements that may be helpful but also those that may be harmful or interact with breast cancer treatments.
  • Realistic Goals To Achieve Better Health

    Behavior changes can be challenging, you will learn the strategies to create goals that set you up for success.
  • A Holistic Approach To Your Health

    You are not your disease. Your health is impacted by your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. You deserve holistic survivorship care which involves healing and treating the whole person.
  • Knowledge About Other Medical Conditions That Breast Cancer Survivors Are At Risk For

    It is important for you to know which tests you should be asking for throughout your survivorship journey. You will feel more prepared to advocate for yourself with your visits with your healthcare providers. 

“For the first time since my cancer diagnosis, I feel EMPOWERED! I feel so fortunate to have found an integrative doctor who wants to treat the “whole me” and be a partner in my journey to wellness.” 

-Lisa W.

Enroll in Thriving After Breast CancerĀ® Independent StudyĀ Today

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3 Monthly Payments



 "There was so much information and lots of printable information to keep for reference. I learned so much about nutrition and the side effects of medication. I’m implementing so many strategies and feeling well! There is so much you can do to help improve your chances of cancer not recurring. This class gives you hope and educates you to make decisions that are best for you. I encourage others to get the evidence-based practice recommendations shared by Dr. Stacey Devine."

-Mary R.

"I went into the program feeling fairly positive about my medical care and my lifestyle following my treatments. The modules were thorough and helpful. I learned so much new information to reinforce and inform me now and into the future. I am grateful to know I will have continued access to the program. I would recommend this program to other breast cancer survivors. It was very top quality, I give Dr. Devine a 10/10!"

- Marci H.

"This course came at the right time for me. It addressed my concerns and opened my eyes to other issues that were not on my radar! I felt there were things I could be doing better in my lifestyle, and then I happened upon this gold mine of information. I loved that the lessons were based on research and have printed the handouts as a helpful resource. I have asked my doctor for a referral and to order some additional labs that I would not have known about without taking this course. Now, I feel so much more informed about my health."

- Kathi D.

What’s Inside Thriving After Breast Cancer®


Module 1

Baseline Health Assessment and Behavior Change

In this module, you will learn about the breast cancer survivorship guidelines to make sure you are getting appropriate screenings and follow-ups. We will discuss the benefits of creating a system to keep all of your medical records together. It's important for you to know which labs and tests you should be asking for and monitoring. You will take an assessment of your current symptoms so you can track your progress throughout the course. We will also talk about setting realistic goals for your health behaviors to achieve success!

Module Highlights:

  • Learn how to organize your medical records so that you and your healthcare providers always have your information available. Also, make sure you are getting labs and tests that can help you monitor factors that can impact your outcomes.
  • Take a symptom questionnaire to help you customize your goals, track your progress, and share with your medical providers. It's helpful to have an objective starting point.
  • Discover the best way to set goals to make changes easily so that you see results. It is important that you put what you are learning into practice.
Module 2

Emotional Wellbeing: Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Breast Cancer Survivors

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis can have a significant impact on your emotional well-being, and mood disorders such as depression and anxiety are common in breast cancer survivors. In this module, you will learn about the relationship between physical and mental health and explore natural and conventional approaches to help manage these symptoms.

One of the most common emotional challenges faced by breast cancer survivors is fear of recurrence, which can impact your quality of life even after treatment is completed. Through this module and course, you will gain insight into the research on fear of recurrence and learn practical strategies to shift from feeling fearful to empowered.

Additionally, you will learn about the impact of stress hormones on health, and learn effective techniques for managing stress. 

Module Highlights:

  • Understand the impact of breast cancer on emotional well-being. Take mood and stress assessments to identify areas where you may need additional support, and develop a personalized plan to manage your emotional well-being.
  • Learn about the characteristics that increase fear of recurrence and develop strategies to shift from fearful to empowered. The knowledge you will gain from this course is a proven strategy to help you with this transformation. 
  • Explore the impact of stress hormones on breast cancer recurrence and other diseases and learn practical strategies to manage your stress. These techniques are easy to learn and can help you tremendously!
Module 3

Nutrition For Breast Cancer Survivors

Food is medicine. This module focuses on the importance of nutrition in breast cancer survivorship. You will learn about the relationship between food and breast cancer recurrence, and why certain diets are recommended for women with breast cancer. We will explore the latest research on macronutrients, micronutrients, and phytonutrients, and how they can benefit your overall health. Additionally, we will discuss common nutrition-related questions such as whether soy or sugar should be avoided. By the end of this module, you will have a clear understanding of what a healthy diet for breast cancer survivors should include, as well as practical strategies for improving your current eating habits. 

Module Highlights:

  • Learn about the key nutrients that are essential for optimal health as a breast cancer survivor, including macronutrients, micronutrients, and phytonutrients.
  • Discover the latest research on the impact of specific foods on breast cancer recurrence, and get answers to common nutrition-related questions.
  • Develop a personalized and doable plan to improve the quality of your diet, including printable recipes and tips for eating healthy on a budget.
Module 4

Weight Management

Breast cancer treatments can result in changes to body composition, including fat gain and muscle loss, that can have negative impacts on overall health and increase the risk of recurrence. This module will provide a comprehensive approach to address weight changes and insulin resistance, which can also impact the risk of recurrence and long-term complications. Even if your weight is normal, you will learn about the importance of maintaining normal blood sugar levels and the benefits of time-restricted eating. You will also learn how to track progress with non-scale victories, and the importance of addressing changes in body composition that may occur from treatment

Module Highlights:

  • Learn how to lose weight in a healthy way and track progress with non-scale victories, even if your weight did not change from treatment. 
  • Understand the impact of insulin resistance on recurrence and long-term complications, and how to screen and treat for it.
  • Discover the potential benefits of time-restricted eating for insulin resistance, inflammation, and breast cancer recurrence, and how it can impact your tumor microenvironment.
Module 5

Exercise and Physical Activity

This module focuses on the importance of exercise and physical activity for breast cancer survivors. You will learn about the evidence-based exercise recommendations to reduce breast cancer recurrence and how to modify your exercise program if you have medical issues like lymphedema or arthritis. Additionally, we will discuss the benefits of exercise for common side effects from breast cancer treatments and other complications like cardiovascular disease, obesity, and osteoporosis. With specific exercise plans and resources for programs developed for breast cancer survivors, you will leave this module with a comprehensive understanding of how exercise and physical activity can improve your overall health and well-being.

Module Highlights:

  • Learn the current recommendations for exercise to reduce the risk of a recurrence and how to create a personalized exercise plan.
  • Understand the importance of exercise for managing other common side effects of breast cancer treatments and other complications such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, and osteoporosis. 
  • Discover ways to incorporate regular physical activity into your everyday life, and resources for specific exercise programs developed for breast cancer thrivers.
Module 6

The Importance of Sleep

In this module, you will learn about the importance of sleep for breast cancer survivors. Getting enough high-quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being, but it can be especially important for those who have been through cancer treatment. We will discuss the impact of poor sleep on both physical and emotional health, as well as its effect on the tumor microenvironment. You will learn about sleep hygiene and tips for improving sleep quality, as well as an integrative approach to treating insomnia. We will also address hot flashes, a common barrier to good sleep, and explore effective solutions to help manage them.

Module Highlights:

  • Understand the physical and emotional benefits of getting enough high-quality sleep and the impact of poor sleep on health and the tumor microenvironment.
  • Learn about sleep hygiene and tips for improving sleep quality, as well as an integrative approach to treating insomnia.
  • Discover effective solutions for managing hot flashes, a common barrier to good sleep, and improve your overall sleep quality for better health and well-being.
Module 7

Risky Substances

We will look at the connection between alcohol and breast cancer. If you smoke or use nicotine products, I will recommend resources to help you quit. We will also look at some medications that may be “risky”, like narcotics, sleeping pills, anxiety meds (benzodiazepines), and acid blockers. Many people are taking medications without understanding the risks or long-term consequences. Your treatment team knows you and your medical history so any medication changes should be discussed with them. However, you may want to review your medications with them and see if there may be alternatives that are safer for the long term.

Module Highlights:

  • Discuss the risk of alcohol and breast cancer. Is there a safe amount?
  • Review the risks of some commonly prescribed medications so that you can discuss safer options with your medical providers. Your medications can contribute to vitamin and mineral deficiencies or worsen some of the side effects of treatments.
  • Understand the importance of your treatment team and pharmacist knowing everything you are taking; including over-the-counter medications, supplements, and vitamins to check for potential interactions.
Module 8

Side Effects of Treatments

In this module, we will explore the most common side effects of breast cancer treatments, including fatigue, brain fog, joint pain and muscle aches, neuropathy, lymphedema, and sexual dysfunction. You will learn about evidence-based non-pharmacological solutions that can help you manage these side effects and improve your quality of life. Additionally, we will discuss how breast cancer survivors are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, and provide you with actionable steps to optimize your health and reduce your risk of complications.

Module Highlights:

  • Look at the evidence for each side effect and get potential solutions to help you feel your best. Most breast cancer thrivers are only offered medications to treat side effects or told to "live with it". In reality, there are evidence-based non-pharmacological options that can improve your quality of life without adding another pill to your pillbox.
  • Understand your personal risk for cardiovascular disease, learn about more in-depth testing, and steps to take to decrease your risk. There is a lot you can do to prevent heart disease, but often times appropriate screenings may be missed. 
  • Learn about bone health and actions to prevent osteoporosis and reduce your risk of fractures, as many breast cancer treatments cause bone loss.
Module 9


In this module, you will learn about the potential benefits and risks of taking supplements as a breast cancer thriver. We will focus on some common supplements and their indications based on your health history, as well as discuss the importance of clearing everything you take with your treatment team.

Module Highlights:

  • Discover the importance of maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D for breast cancer recurrence and immune health. We will discuss the best ways to obtain vitamin D and when supplementation may be necessary.
  • Review the potential benefits of other supplements, such as vitamin B12, B complex, calcium, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, melatonin, medicinal mushrooms, and prebiotics. You will learn about who may benefit from taking these supplements and what to consider before starting a supplement regimen.
  • Discuss the evidence for using supplements to alleviate common side effects of breast cancer treatments, including insomnia, joint pain, hot flashes, osteoporosis, and fatigue. We will also review common drug/supplement interactions to be aware of.

Graduates of Thriving After Breast Cancer®


"All my questions were answered. I came out of the course so empowered to move forward. The cancer is no longer controlling me. It was very thorough, and I got so much value out of it. It was more than worth the money I spent, 100%."

-Sarah I.

“It was the best thing I could have done for myself. It has touched every aspect of my daily life. If I had not done this course, I would not be where I am at today.”

-Grace F.

"Every single part of my life has been affected. I feel so empowered."

-Marie D.

"The information on the supplements was invaluable and worth every penny that I spent on this course."

-Deborah N.

Join Now

When you enroll now,

you’ll get:


Thriving After Breast Cancer® Independent Study


(A $1,597 Value)


  • 9 Modules with Video Lessons and PDF resources

    Each module is packed with video lessons and PDF resources that will give you specific evidence-based information to help you on your healthcare journey.

    You will formulate personalized goals and have an actionable plan to improve your health.

  • Empower yourself by learning what you can control that may reduce the risk of recurrence

    Fear of recurrence is lessened by taking back control of your health. Lifestyle and your daily behaviors do make a difference!
  • Strategies to reduce the side effects of breast cancer treatment and improve quality of life

    There are safe and effective integrative treatment options to improve your physical and emotional well-being.
  • Increase your confidence about your health and help you advocate for your best possible care.

    Visits with your healthcare team may be infrequent and brief. You will learn if there are tests or other aspects of your health that may need more investigation. You will learn valuable information that may not have been shared with you by your healthcare team or found in online research.


When you enroll now,

you’ll get:


Thriving After Breast Cancer® Independent Study


(A $1,597 Value)


  • 9 Modules with Video Lessons

    Each module is packed with video lessons and PDF resources that will give you specific evidence-based information to help you on your own healthcare journey.

    You will formulate personalized goals and a plan to improve your health.

  • Empower yourself by learning what you can control that may reduce the risk of recurrence

    Fear of recurrence is lessened by taking back control of your health. Lifestyle and your daily behaviors do make a difference!
  • Feel better physically and emotionally

    Breast cancer treatments often have side effects, but there are steps you can take to reduce them and feel like yourself again. There are safe, effective integrative treatment options to help you improve your quality of life.
  • Increase your confidence about your health and help you advocate for your best possible care.

    Visits with your healthcare team may be infrequent and brief. You will learn if there are tests or other aspects of your health that may need more investigation. My students learn valuable information that wasn't shared with them and that they didn't find in their online research.

Plus These Bonuses to Help You With Your Journey to Better Health

Bonus 1

Ongoing Access to the Course with Course Updates

Health information is constantly evolving, and I want you to have the most up-to-date information about breast cancer survivorship.

 What You’ll Get:

As long as this course is offered you will have access to it. You may have new side effects or other concerns in the future. As new research and studies are released, the course will be updated with the latest information, so you'll always have the most accurate and relevant information at your fingertips. This means you can continue to benefit from the course for years to come, making it an ongoing resource for your journey to better health.

Bonus 2

Bonus Supplement Training: Choosing The Right Supplement For You

Choosing the right supplement can be overwhelming, with so many options and confusing labels.

 What You’ll Get:

In this bonus training, you will learn how to choose the right supplement for your individual needs. I’ll guide you through what to look for when purchasing supplements and explain the difference between active and inactive ingredients. You’ll discover how to know if you're buying a quality product and the resources I use to help my patients pick supplements. This bonus training is a favorite among our alumni, with practical advice that can even save you money in the long run.

Bonus 3

Access to Fullscript Supplement Store and Discount

Taking high-quality vitamins and supplements can make a big difference in your health.

What You’ll Get:

You may have access to the same online dispensary I use for my patients. I give you a video tour of some of my favorite products and explain why I may pick one product over another. If you want access to it, you will just email my support team to be added and a discount will be applied to your account.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:


Thriving After Breast Cancer® Independent Study - $1,597 Value

  • Bonus #1: Lifetime Access to the Course with Course Updates ($347 value)
  • Bonus #2: Bonus Supplement Training: Choosing the Right Supplement for You ($97 value)
  • Bonus #3: Access to Fullscript Supplement Store and Discount ($47 value)

Total Bonus Value: $491


When you add it all up, that’s a value of $2,088!

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

A One-Time Payment of




3 Monthly Payments of



Frequently Asked Questions

Enroll in Thriving After Breast Cancer®

Independent Study Today

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"Thriving After Breast Cancer® has truly been an answer to a prayer for me. Before this class, I researched and read everything I could find about breast cancer and survival but so much of the information available is general and not specific. I found I still had so many more questions than answers with no place to turn for help. I was a little skeptical to take this course because I had downloaded so many booklets, articles, and professional papers that all promised to give insight on cancer survival and effective lifestyle changes, but never did. Dr. Devine somehow saw the need cancer survivors have for specific, targeted information to help us address the myriad of questions and concerns that come when our lives have been affected by cancer, and she designed a program to give survivors knowledge and strategies that are based on current research and reliable data to empower us to live the best life possible from this point. I highly encourage anyone considering this course to sign up! I have learned more in the last 8 weeks than in the 4 years since my diagnosis. "

- Donna S.

"This course is packed with rich integrative oncology content that rounds out the power of conventional medicine. It's the wholesome non-toxic parts of therapies that are learned giving YOU the POWER to further improve your chances of not having a cancer recurrence. The knowledge gained is missing from standard treatment information offered by your care team overseeing chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. The modules include learning about nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, supplements, weight management, sleep, and side effects of treatments. It's a comprehensive multi-module curriculum with a focus on body, mind, and spirit providing you priceless learning to have a reaction of strength to the adversity of cancer. This course contains information that puts YOU in the driver's seat to increase the chances of not having a recurrence. "


- Michele J.


Still "thinking about it"? 


This Course Is For You If ...

  • Are you overwhelmed with trying to do your own research about breast cancer survivorship? Do you want evidence-based information from a trusted source? This course is for you.
  • Are you constantly worried about a cancer recurrence? Do you want to feel empowered and in control of your health? This course is for you.
  • Do you desire a more holistic approach to your health that incorporates your physical and emotional well-being? This course is for you.
  • Do you want to learn more about the safe use of supplements and other integrative therapies? This course is for you.
  • Do you know you need to work on improving your lifestyle but don't know where to start? Do you want an easy and specific plan with realistic goals? This course is for you.
  • Do you feel like you're not getting enough information from your treatment team? Do you want more knowledge to help you advocate for yourself and get the best care possible? This course is for you.
  • Do you worry about the long-term consequences of your breast cancer treatments? Do you want to reduce your risk of potentially serious issues like heart disease and osteoporosis? This course is for you.
  • Are you suffering from side effects from your breast cancer treatments? Do you want to feel better and explore natural treatments? This course is for you.

Still "thinking about it"? 


This Course Is For You If You...

  1. Are overwhelmed by trying to do your own research and want evidence-based information about breast cancer survivorship from a trusted source.
  2. Fear a cancer recurrence and want to feel empowered and in control of your health.
  3. Desire a more holistic approach to your health that incorporates your physical and emotional well-being.
  4. Want to learn more about the safe use of supplements and other integrative therapies.
  5. Know you need to work on improving your lifestyle but don’t know where to start, and want an easy and specific plan with realistic goals.
  6. Feel you aren’t getting as much information as you would like from your treatment team and want more knowledge to help you advocate for yourself to get the best care possible.
  7. Worry about the long-term consequences of your breast cancer treatments and want to reduce your risk of potentially serious issues like heart disease and osteoporosis. 
  8. Suffer from side effects from your breast cancer treatments and want to feel better and wonder what natural treatments may be effective.

"This course is exactly what had been missing in my cancer care. Having someone to help me navigate survivorship, provide knowledgeable and practical advice based on scientific evidence through integrative and lifestyle medicine as well as western medicine, and just provide some hand-holding has truly made a difference in my confidence related to my cancer. It was everything I hoped for and more."

- Connie N.

I am excited for you to join Thriving After Breast Cancer®

As a triple board-certified MD in Family, Integrative, and Lifestyle Medicine, I have seen firsthand the power of a holistic approach to health. This course was created specifically to help breast cancer survivors like you take control of their health and thrive after treatment.

With my guidance, you'll learn evidence-based strategies to prevent cancer recurrence, reduce the risk of long-term side effects, and improve your overall well-being. You'll also gain knowledge on safe supplement use, natural treatments for side effects, and other integrative therapies that can complement your conventional care.

I have organized the course into modules, each with bite-sized lessons to make the information easy to digest. You'll receive access to one module each week for nine weeks, allowing you to work at a comfortable pace and prevent information overload. Plus, you can revisit each module at any time after you've completed it.

I am passionate about helping breast cancer survivors like you feel empowered and in control of their health. Joining this course is an investment in yourself and your well-being, and I am honored to be a part of your journey.

Whether you decide to enroll or not, I want you to know that I  wish you the best of health. Thank you for considering Thriving After Breast Cancer®.

Stacey Devine, MD

Enroll in Thriving After Breast Cancer®

Independent Study Today

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